Marlies Cohen

It’s My Birthday –
Time for a FREE Strategy Session

Celebrate Small Victories

This special offer is only available
to the first five people who sign up
for it in February

Just one conversation can change
your life for the better.
This may be it.

 Let’s chat about your business, and examine what’s currently not working, help you craft a system and map out the path to help you reach your goals.

Here’s What You’ll Get:

  • A full 30-minute session—a truly personal conversation to help you see what’s in the way of reaching your goals
  • An experience of what makes you unique, why the way you think about your productivity and business is different from other business owners and how it may improve your specific situation, as it has hundreds of business owners before you
  • A supportive and strategic plan that you can use in your business right away


***This session is at no charge, with no pressure to work with us further.

Pick your day and fill out the form

Pick your day below and the form with your personal info on the right.

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  • Your Problem

    Tell us something about how your problem affects you in your life and business